March 31, 2008

Benjamin Turns 3

Now that we're are finished having children, I am realizing how quickly they grow up. I am trying to hold on to every memory I can and have become a mushy mom. After I found this song, I was done for.


The Pili Aiga said...

Ginger, that was so cute. Seriously, today was one of the cruddiest days in a while and this video just cheered me right up :) Benjamin is a cutie of course are all your kids. Still wish you lived across the street. We miss you guys!!! Say hi to everyone.

Rachel B. said...

Am I supposed to cry even though I'm not his mom? (I guess I am a little extra sensitive these days.) That was so cute and I don't think I've heard that song. Little Benjamin has the cutest smile I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

Wow I even got a little teary. it is hard to believe that they grow up so fast. He is such a cutie.

My baby will be 7 in July. What a great song.

the Koch's said...

What a sweet slideshow. We sure do love that bright eyed, dipple faced cutie pie!! We miss you guys.


That was really cool. They grow up WAY too fast! Isn't it fun? kelli

Shelley said...

Wow. That was so cute! I'd never heard the song before, either. I loved it but it broke my heart at the same time. Gosh, they do grow up way too fast.

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Ben! When do we get our cake & ice cream? ;)
Who sings that song anyway? I'd love to find out. Great slideshow. Such a sweetheart.

Ginger said...

Billy Dean sings that song.

Sherrie said...

Ginger this is one of our favorite songs. It makes me cry everytime. I can't believe how fast time goes. We need to freeze are kids. Your kids are adorable. It has been fun to keep updated on your family. Have a good week.