January 21, 2008

Punkie Adam

Here I am, testing out my brand new camera I got for Christmas. I don't quite know what Adam was thinking right then, but it obviously wasn't something too smart. However, I'm glad I have this moment on film.


the Koch's said...

Another one of my many, trying to be fun or funny, and end up making some little kid cry or break something moments. Those are the worst. Sorry, hopefully it still works. At least you didn't lose your camera though right?

Ginger said...

No, if it had hurt it, I probably wouldn't have posted the video. Nothing happened at all. It was actually pretty funny to watch your face as you're trying to decide how hard to press the squirter.

Amy said...

cute heart template...what is that song? makes me cry b/c it was on that other blog, but i'd love to get it on itunes.

Ginger said...

I'm not sure which song you're talking about. If it's what I'm thinking, it's by "club 8" and called "Jesus Walk With Me". I love it too..... obviously..... that's why it's on my blog! :)

Ginger said...

It might also be "I can only imagine". Look at the bottom of the page and you will see the music player. It lists the songs and artists on it.